Tuesday 8 October 2013

Graduation's Day!

Assalamualaikum... Weee~~ Weekend baru ni, yg baru je berlalu 2 hari lepas makes me full of study spirit. Kenapa?? Kenapa?? Dan kenapa?? Hahaha.. It because, my beloved sisters got her scroll showing her is a graduated student! Yeahhh! And I'm proud with her.. :') *menangis kegembiraan utk dia.. Heee~*

me and my lovely sister.
Amik berkat dlu. hihi

my beloved sister & abg.

mkn2 dkt gambang lpas tgk akk amik ijazah.
fuhh, lapar. -_-

akak, mak & ayh.
ayh ssh betul nak tgk camera. hehehe

akak, mak, ayh & me.
my beloved family.. =)

my abg n bunga utk akk.
Jd mat bunga kejap. hikhikhik XDD

mak & bunga. =)

Alhamdulillah, ank mak & ayh yg ke9 dah berjaya dpt segulung ijazah..
Mak cite yg akk antara org yg pertama amik ijazah. And I'm just wondering did she get first class?
Nak tgk buku tu tp terlupa pulak!
Hehehe.. Xpe2, balik raya haji ni aku selongkar bku tu.
Masa tengah tggu my akk, dok tepi dewan tu and I saw mak kesat air mataa dia..
Mesti terharu sbb ank dia dah berjaya..
In shaa ALLAH my turn 2years more.
I will study hard to make them proud too.
I love them so much. <3 <3

p/s:one of my friend said that me is more "cantik" than akk. but it hurt me a lot!! until now i'm just doing derkk je dgn him. i dont like when men just judging based on outside appearance. Huh! And thats make me feel annoying. Why men just looking based on outside appearance?? :/